Schroot. The inhabitants of the mouth and the teeth. The Dental Cosmos. 10 (12), 1868.
Translated by Adolf Petermann, Munich, Bavaria.
PREPOSITION. THE applause which I received last year at our meeting at Hamburg, as well as the invitation of some of my friends and colleagues, induced me to keep my promise, and to publish my work about the " Inhabitants of the Mouth and the Teeth." The progress of this work shall not be a scientific essay on micrography, or on natural history, but rather a motive or incentive to further investigation in the practice of dentistry in this dominion.
Agradece os incentivos em publicar seus achados, e motiva outros a futuras investigações.
I would like to call the attention of my colleagues to this unexplored field in our profession, to show them, in a very evident manner, nature in petto. Particularly would I like to speak to you with living arguments, to show you how, with every atom of caries which remains behind after the cleaning of a decayed tooth, thousands of plants and living creatures will be inclosed by the fillings, and grow up at the expense of the teeth, to increase and hasten the decline of these noble organs.
Alerta para a presença residual de microrganismos, mesmo após a limpeza dos dentes cariados, e para o seu papel no declínio do dente.
Further, I would like to mention all those endless things which are found as well in the healthy as in the diseased mouth. Some of them are known, some of them are totally unknown; which brings several important results, as well by chemical analysis as by microscopical examinations. It belongs to us to search out the diseases of the teeth, as well as the cause, and to stop their progress; then only are we able to correctly observe them, because we are occupied in this manner every day. I would like to advise every one of my colleagues to arrange a small laboratory, and to procure a good microscope;
Menciona a presença dos microrganismos na saúde e na doença, destacando que alguns já são conhecidos, mas muitos são desconhecidos. E instiga outros a montarem seu laboratório de microscopia.
therewith he can employ his leisure time in a manner agreeable to himself and useful to science. The more he becomes acquainted with these two branches of the science, the more he will be interested in them. He will, like the alchemist, find many things which he did not look for, and which are often worth more than they at first appeared to be.
Afirma que ao se tornar familiarizado com a ciência, muitas coisas poderão ser desvendadas.
INTRODUCTION. For the study of the inhabitants of the mouth and the teeth, at first we need a microscope, which magnifies seven to eight hundred diameters. The want of room does not allow me to give instructions as to its right use, and it would be wise for the practitioner to procure a good book to use his instrument with advantage. But, though possessing the best instrument and directions, the beginner will have to overcome many obstacles and difficulties, till he has obtained sufficient practice in the setting up of his preparations to accustom his eyes to the sight of infinitesimal objects, and to separate truth from fiction.
Indica a necessidade de um microscopio com capacidade mínima de aumentar entre 700 e 800 vezes, e que o iniciante terá que treinar, para analisar corretamente o que verá.
One of the greatest difficulties is Brown's movement. The attractive power of the homogeneous, as well as the repulsion of heterogeneous molecules, cause in the fluid, which lies under examination before the microscope, a perpetual movement, by which these molecules appear to be endowed with life, but which is only the result of the working of these forces. The circulation is caused either by the drying up of the fluid, or by its ingredients, or its overflow, which, though easily recognized, may be very prejudicial to the examination. To delusions which are caused by the eyes themselves, there belong so-called "muscee volitantes," which are produced by the secretion of the Meibomian glands, and pass over the range of vision as slimy threads, in which are found Again small cells and other foreign bodies, which have to be carefully separated from peculiar objects. Besides this, the change of temperature, as well as the moistening of the eyes, if experiments be made in a cold room, and the dust and all foreign bodies, are obstacles to a strict observation.
Prepara o iniciante para os fenômenos que podem causar confusão, tais como movimento browniano das partículas, o movimento dos fluidos e as alterações oculares.
THE INHABITANTS. (Os habitantes)
Before we proceed to the strict description of the inhabitants of the mouth and the teeth, I would like to explain what I properly understand under this denomination. In our last meeting at Hamburg, I showed as well as possible the different structures of the three kingdoms of nature, as they are ordinarily or casually found in the mouth.
Explica que usa o termo habitante para diferenciar de outros que podem casualmente está na boca.
Here are also included all pathological products, as well as those substances which are casually brought in by food and drink, and which rest between or in the carious teeth, under artificial teeth, or anywhere else in the mouth, and which produce more or less influence on the health of the teeth. Musce volitantes are attributed by oculists to derangement of the retina or of the digestive organs.
Informa que podem inclusive haver produtos trazidos pelos alimentos e bebidas.
Passing over to the strict introduction, we find at first in the mouth THE SALIVA.
Primeiro "nicho" - A SALIVA
The saliva contains in its normal condition no hard or visible bodies: it is perfectly transparent and fluid. As soon as it spreads itself on the mucous membrane of the mouth, and mixes itself with its secretion, we find the different foreign bodies to which I will return hereafter. If you put saliva on a glass, and place it under the microscope, you will find a crystallization.
A saliva não possui habitantes assim que produzida. Se for permitido a desidratação, ocorre formação de cristais.
THE SECRETION OF THE MUCOUS MEMBRANE OF THE MOUTH. The secretion of the glands of the mucous membrane of the mouth is perfectly transparent, a little yellow, and does not contain any foreign bodies, such as epithelial cells. The slime bodies, as they are found in the mouth, are here first formed by the admission of the saliva. If dry, the saliva forms regular crystals. Besides this, there are found numerous crystals in the mouth which are brought there, for the most part, casually; but their description would occupy too much time.
A secreção da mucosa também não inclui organismos.
THE VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES. To the vegetable structures belong at first the parasite cells, or the tooth fungi, "protococcus dentalis." As soon as a separating or disturbing cause has begun to operate on the enamel, the vegetable cells begin to grow. Like the moss on the roofs, the green sequestrations on the teeth are vegetable structures, which push their processes between the more or less porous structure on which they exist, while they suck out and destroy the structure, at whose expense they increase and multiply. Such is the work of the fungus on the dentine. The wood fungus js a good example of this; it eats through beams. and will have such an effect on the living tree that it will cause its death. The principal cause of the destruction of the teeth must be a parasitic, luxuriant, vegetable growth, which is always found where sour fermentation or putridity takes place.
Sobre o esmalte dos dentes crescerão os fungos dos dentes "protococcus dentalis". Crescem como os musgos nos telhados, sobre os dentes (estas estruturas vegetais) empurram os processos por seus poros e sugam e destroem a estrutura, à custa do que aumentam e se multiplicam. Esse é o trabalho dos fungos sobre a dentina. O fungo na madeira é um bom exemplo disto. Comem e causam a morte da árvore. A principal causa da destruição dos dentes deve ser um parasita, cujo crescimento vegeral exuberante resulta em fermentação ácida ou podridão.
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